Marana Homes

Getting to know Marana

Located between Tucson and Phoenix, and was incorporated as a municipality in 1977 in order to control water resources. However, it has a rich human history dating back more than 4,200 years when the Hohokam people developed extensive canal systems and used waters from the Santa Cruz River to irrigate crops. Today, it is a thriving community of diversified residents and combines a peaceful country setting with bustling commercial expansion. Marana is famous in the golf world as the site of the Accenture Match Play tournament at the Ritz-Carlton at Dove Mountain.

Skydiving is a popular sport at Marana's Skydive Center. Picacho Peak State Park, site of Arizona's only Civil War battle, is 15 minutes to the north of town and has camping areas and nature trails noted for colorful spring wildflowers. Also nearby are the scenic Santa Catalina Mountains State Park and Saguaro National Monument West, the world famous Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, and Old Tucson Studios.

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